Teachers, here you’ll find a collection of classroom resources you can use to accompany my books. You’ll find both chapter-by-chapter guides to use when reading my books with your class, along with materials that can inspire an exploration of Egyptian and middle eastern history and culture. Check out the ‘Letters from the Silver Express’ in which Aliya explores various aspects of the Ancient and medieval life while on her grand tour of Egyptian history on board a time-traveling train! This is a series in progress, with the third (and last) part scheduled for May 2025, so be sure to check back for more exciting content!
Click on the icon to reach my publisher’s website (Chicken House Books), and the free downloadable classroom resources.
Download a free timeline poster of Egyptian history. Post it on your classroom wall and fill it out as you read the books or the Letters from the Silver Express.
A great resource to keep your students oriented!
Letters from the Silver Express
The fictional letters you will find here are ‘written’ by Aliya to her grandfather as she traverses history on board the Silver Express, the time traveling train featured in my latest installment: Aliya aboard the Time Train. The letters are intended as an accompaniment to the books and address a variety of historical and cultural subjects, such as food, clothing, housing, and education throughout Egyptian and middle eastern history. Read them aloud to your class as a starting point for exploring each subject further! I’ve included ideas for further exploration for each letter. Click on the letters to reach the free downloads!
Letter 1: Eat Like an Egyptian (Ancient Egyptian Food)
Read Aliya’s first letter to her grandfather all about Ancient Egyptian food. Click on the letters to download the free PDFs. Below you’ll find a classroom resource you can download and use in class to explore the theme of ancient egyptian food further.
Useful links: Ancient Egyptian Food: https://rawi-publishing.com/articles/from-staples-to-luxuries
Letter 2: Dress Like an Egyptian (Ancient Egyptian Clothes)
Aliya’s second letter is all about ancient Egyptian clothing. Click on the letters to download the free PDFs.
Letter 3: Read like a Ptolemaian (Ancient Alexandria)
Aliya’s second letter is all about ancient Egyptian clothing. Click on the letters to download the free PDFs.